Facebook Ads For Car Dealers

The First Step To Getting More Customers!

Facebook Advertising for auto dealerships can come in two different forms: dynamic ads and static ads:


  • Static ads are only labeled as such because they take manual intervention to change the content a dealer is advertising.  Thus, manual management of static ads can become more costly due to the effort involved in keeping them relevant. This opens the door for large errors in your advertising if not tended to properly. Static campaigns can be successful, but they must be very actively managed.
  • Dynamic ads, on the other hand, are updated daily based on the inventory that your dealership has to offer. Each day we take the feed from your inventory provider, and update our ads and ad copy to match with the exact vehicles that we are advertising. This results in content that is relevant, and allows the ads to link directly to vehicles that still exist on your website. Less maintenance and less errors equate to more time spent selling cars, and less time trying to verify your ads.

Why Dealers Should Use Dynamic Facebook Ads

When you have the ability to advertise a vehicle as soon as it has photos uploaded to your website, you are able to increase your chances of turning that vehicle quickly. The faster new inventory gets into your advertising, the faster someone can find it and reach out to you for more information. This allows more potential leads to be driven into your sales funnel and turned into customers. The focus on turning a vehicle over quickly is what drove us to create a solution that integrated your dealership’s actual inventory.

Every dealership knows that sales followup is equally as important to the first touch for successful deal. When it comes to retargeting potential leads, a dynamic ad solution is also key. Furthermore, we wanted to be able to show people the exact cars they were looking at on your website in their Facebook feed, Facebook advertising network, and every other place where we have the opportunity to reach them. By reaching those people with the vehicles that they showed interest in where they spend their time, we give your dealership a better chance of moving more vehicles. Dynamic retargeting is an essential tool in automotive marketing today.

How Facebook Marketing Integrates With Other Mediums

Our automotive Facebook marketing can live independently as a singular strategy, but they do integrate extremely well with our other marketing mediums: Pay Per Click and Search Engine Optimization. With search marketing, we heavily focus on getting you the best click value for your searches. With our current clients, 100% of them have reduced their previous Pay Per Click budgets––some as much as an 80% reduction ad spend. Not only are they able to reduce their current budgets, but they are seeing better results than ever before.

By making sure we are optimized for searches that generate the best value for VDP views and conversions (form fills and phone calls being the main conversion focus), we can increase the audience quality that we are reaching with your Facebook Dynamic Retargeting. The quality of an audience has an enormous impact on what your cost per lead ends up being, as well as your overall volume of leads. Quality matters, and is too often overlooked by simply seeking more website traffic. The implementation of these strategies combined will help your dealership see not only an increase in leads, but an increase in sales as well.

The phrase “Ford Escape Houston” gets searched, on average, 30 times per month. Based on the 30% Click Through Rate experts estimate at a Number 1 ranking, we would get 1 visit per month. With a typical car dealership website converting at 1% for all traffic, we could expect one lead to be submitted every 100 months.

In spirit, ranking for this phrase looks fantastic, but even in one of the nation’s best cities for density of phrases with less suburbs blending into the searches, we still see very few searches. When you change this, from a city of 20,000 to a city of 100,000, the search volumes get even lower, and the math points to a conversion for every 150+ months.

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